Thursday 15 September 2016

Assignment 1 : Web content Creation 1

Mod 2.1: Personal Bio 

Hello Bloggers!
I'm Marie from Mauritius and I am the face behind Makeup Stage.
I really enjoy reading about makeup concepts and beauty tips and having fun by trying some of them.
I started to watch beauty shows at the age of nine, and began to pose as makeup figure at the age of twenty-two.
My great interest in makeup brings me in several training courses where I was able to perform on individuals and to pose for photographers as model figure.

I will blog about makeup interests and tips on the beauty aspects as I have a great admiration in self-personality.

Mod 2.1: Avatar & avatar annotation 

My blog was designed to help and encourage individuals to take good care of their self-appearance and I chose that my avatar would be my portrait.
It is evident that to build trust with my audience it is important to reveal myself to them.
Moreover, I think that it would be worthwhile for aspiring my targeted audience the way in which they may feel beautiful by applying some beauty advices and to inspire people to love themselves despite their spots, burns or pimples on their face.
By allowing my target audience to see an example of my headshot this would motivate young ladies to adopt useful beauty concepts.

Mod 2.2: Narrating Personal Interest : Why am I blogging about Makeup ? 

My goal in revealing my interest for makeup is that I am passionate about how makeup gives power to people to do fabulous things. I want to make people love themselves as they are without having to do any surgical treatments or anything related to that subject. Having a strong connection to Makeup, I really think that the culture of beautifying oneself does not concern only girls or women who do every day make-up but to the beauty fanatics who want to enhance their natural beauty and sense of wellness by not being afraid of what others could think about them. Beauty fanatics who discover blogs with the natural feeling of “yeah, this person discerns me!” naturally start following the latter’s blog all night long. In trying to give my contribution in the online makeup environment, I want to share my experience and make my audience aware of.

I want to educate people to be conscious about their skin care

No need to see the surgeon to be beautiful! You may be beautiful by taking good care of your skin, applying natural products to it to give it a more enhanced texture and eating healthy food such as a balanced diet and fruits. I need to be honest about my skin texture: I DO NOT have a smooth skin texture. However, I did eat fruits in my cereals by mixing them together and it is so easy to prepare and so fun. I crave the good looking girls of Instagram and I am sure that you know who you are yeah!

I want to change attitudes about having spots or burns areas visible on the face
I am amazed by how the power of makeup could do great transformation in hiding our trouble spots or a burnt. It is true that makeup makes one accept oneself more easily than it does and not being afraid to be beautiful no matter what. If you feel to be unsecured or self-hated, makeup could be your gloss! Women should assume themselves and love to wear cosmetics and this will prove how cosmetics make them more confident in who they are.

I want to increase one’s self-personality by loving makeup
Being comfortable in our own skin, is a great sense of loving oneself. Makeup could lift up the one’s self-assurance and self-possession. It is true that we all scramble with self-esteem at some stage in our existence. Women with low self-esteem don’t know how stunning they can be if they make an effort to look their best and thus encourage their self-confidence successively. The greatest impact makeup may have on one is helping you in concentrating on yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others. Makeup enhances you and not change you as it helps you to express your personalities.

Mod 2.3: Introducing Your Topic 

Makeup industry is the beauty industry which is constantly growing indicating an interesting importance in the awareness of skin care ("Beauty Industry Analysis 2016 - Cost & Trends", 2016). Makeup is an important part in the beauty culture by creating various benefits for you beauty fans.

The use of the internet makes research or tutorials of techniques of makeup more convenient to individuals and thus creating a communication channel which is not expensive but more time-saving. With the development of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, the makeup stage is growing largely to satisfy the “user’s needs in the cosmetic industry” (Chung, 2014) where makeup fans may “share” and “like” what interest them. Women are being sensitized to take care of their skin through advertisement of celebrities inciting them to buy products due to its effectiveness. More women want to look like the singer BeyoncĂ© or the famous Eva Longoria, thus they use these artists as makeup style pictures to focus on their “visual sensibility” (Chung, 2014).

Simple tips such as making honey facials or turmeric masks do give a smooth skin texture and to fight against acne, fine lines and wrinkles as well as enhancing skin elasticity (Reyes, 2016). I discover also that activated charcoal makes the skin look fresher and you may feel it as well. That’s awesome! On various blogs, tips on how to clean brushes or get rid of redness may be very useful for beauty fans which will increase their self-personality (Gonzalez, 2014). Thanks to social media such as Pinterest or Instagram, amazing makeup transformation pictures are being the source of inspiration to the makeup explorers (Do, 2016). I really think that there should be the collaborative participation between you and the author and that’s is the purpose motivation.

Moreover, makeup has facilitated the camouflage of burns, skin discoloration, scars and hyperpigmentation. A great example of how makeup could do amazing transformation is the burn survivor Shalom Nchom who had scars on her face from a frying oil incident when she was adolescent (Liao, 2016). By doing this makeup transformation, this gives her a confidence to walk down the streets without being stared at. She proves that makeup could enhance one’s look (Rohner, Tschopp, & Tabin, 2014).  She loves herself as she is no matter what and this is what I want to share with my beauty audience.

Take a look at this video (YouTube, 2016) about the power of makeup on burnt skin

I hope that all of you will enjoy reading my blog where I will develop on the diverse benefits of such a vital practice. A world without makeup is unbelievable for aims that scale from individual to expert but for the needy ones it is a critical tool to express their fresh beauty, defend their self-esteem and upraise their confidence (Rohner, Tschopp, & Tabin, 2014). You’re welcome to leave comments so that we may participate together in this amazing makeup environment.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

What about looking fresh to go to work?

Take a look at this picture and tell me if make up does not make you looks simple and beautiful on your way to work.

Just comment for those who are interested in the tips for having this fresh look
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