Monday 31 October 2016

Feel beautiful and not do so to please others !

It is people’s comments that brings us down more frequently than anything else. If you wear makeup, they will classify you as an attention-seeking wannabe. If you don’t, they’ll say you are a tomboy or an ugly plain Jane that couldn’t look good if she tried. Just ignore them. 

There will always be people who comment on you. If you are somebody who doesn’t wear makeup and suddenly decides to try it, then go ahead! Do it! Good luck! Not only are you allowed to put on makeup in the comfort of your bedroom, you are allowed to flaunt it outside, pull out your mascara or lipstick for touch ups along with your compact mirror. 

People will comment once or twice or as long as they like, why should you care? If they have a problem with you wearing makeup, its THEIR problem, NOT YOURS. You wear makeup because you love it. 

Below is a picture of me before and after wearing makeup :)

Feel beautiful no matter the reason is!

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